The Voodoo Rangers originated from a Heavy Metal band out of Calgary called the Black Mountain Outlaws. It was a three piece band consisting of Jason Turnbull, Taylor Sanderson and myself, Jeff Tyrkalo. We released one album and played many shows over Alberta and British-Columbia. After the band broke up, Jay and I continued to make music.
“Now geographically way closer to Tyrk after a small hiatus from playing live, settling into country living & building a Log Cabin for a jam space called “The Forge”. With the Idea of Good Music & Brotherhood in mind, these two guys formed the Voodoo Rangers.”
–Jay Turnbull
“Through mutual friends I met Logan Wowk and after several beers at East 40th pub I was informed that he could play saxophone over any type of music. That seemed like a challenge to me so I decided to take him on it. Turns out he was correct, haha!!! And he quickly became a permanent fixture in this new sound and band we were creating.”
–Jeff Tyrkalo
Timely, Jay met Lee Armstrong through mutual friends at Traxx Pub in Olds:
Jay was invited to a local jam party to play guitar & happened to run into a Gentleman named Lee. He introduced himself & Lee said he had been to a number of Black Mountain Outlaw concerts & stated that he himself was a Killer Drummer. After a couple of cocktails over friendly conversation, The two made a quick set list went up onstage & tore up the Party.
“We improvised a couple songs. We seemed to mesh and decided to jam again later. We moved my drums into the cabin, brought in more PA , Jeff brought in some new songs and new life then a Saxophone and killer dude came in and brought some real personality to the tunes . I am always learning new styles and love expanding the skillset.”
–Lee Armstrong
“We finally had the core members to create this new sound!”
–Jeff Tyrkalo
One listen and you will agree…. you’re hooked. Hit the Play button and get ready for the good times to roll!!
“We composed roughly 18 songs & really just had a lot of fun over the past three years playing music. We lead a fairly laid back lifestyle out west. We naturally work hard & well together so if it is too hot to rehearse we don’t feel guilty going out to the lake Surfing behind the Mastercraft or if we get a huge dump of snow in the winter we ride our sleds onto the River behind my house for hours. Then I fire up the Grill, we eat like kings & play music until the early hours of the morning. We really have a lot of laughs together. Once we got the the core 3 rhythm members in the pocket, we brought in Logan. Our pinch hitter” says Jay of the dynamic saxophonist in his own right he really adds a lot of flavour to the group.”
–Jay Turnbull